Frieda's medals

Liz Donahoe (née Schmidt) provided these medals of Frieda's to Katie Donahoe sometime in 2014, who looked them up and then returned them. Not a lot is known about them, other than they were probably a result of Johannes Schmidt's service in the military.

Cased Mother's Cross in Gold

Adolf Hitler instituted the Mother's Cross on 16.12.1938 during a propaganda campaign as a means to increase the birth rate of children who were to fulfill his dream of creating the "Master Race". The award was bestowed upon mothers of pure German blood in 3 classes...bronze for 4 or 5 children, silver for 6 or 7 children, and gold for 8 or more children.

(this medal is bronze)


Infantry Assault Badge in Silver

To qualify for the badge a soldier would have to take part in at least 3 separate infantry assaults with hand-held weapons on 3 different occasions.

March 13th, 1938 Commemorative Medal

This medaI commemorated the return of Adolf Hitler's homeland to the German Reich, the 1st move in Hitler's quest for Lebenraum (living space) for his beloved "Master Race". It was commemorated after the annexation of Austria.

International Order of Foresters

Bayer Kriegerbund Veteran Organization Badge & Ribbon

It is a Bayer Kriegerbund Veteran Organization badge & Ribbon. This is a Bavarian veteran organization of the 1874 Napoleonic War.

Original Post-WWI German Veteran's Badge, Bayer Kriegerbund

WW1 Bavarian Veterans Cross Of Merit Bayerischer Kriegerbund Dem Verdienst

The Kyffhäuser War Commemorative Medal of the Kyffhäuser Union (Post WWI)

Although awarded by the official Veterans Association, the Kyffhäuser Bund, this is a non-official decoration from the Weimar Republic era.

Military Merit Cross (Mecklenburg-Schwerin)

Mecklenburg MVK2.jpg